Monday, September 16, 2013

Collaboration September 16, 2013

Fact vrs. Opinion
   music and theme activity   -- lyrics for four songs   multiple choice options 2 to come up with their own   -- took about 30 minutes
     enrichment and remediation
coordinate adjectives/commas 
    CSI:  American Fork  -- Hayley 

October 28-- 
Hayley reported on close reading
Reminders of protocols 
Save the Last Word for Me 

Monday, September 9, 2013


September 9, 2013
Mastery Connect

My Access -- 40 minutes

It's, Its
Too, To
Your, You're
Here, Hear
There, Their, They're

Battle of the Books
district level march 20  competition
Silent to the Bone -- off the list

about a week for Stephanie

7, 8, and 9

Media Center enrichment -- through English class
15-20 minutes

In lab 143  chromebooks
google calendar
school email
password student number needs to be 8 digits -- add zeros to end

batteries will not last all day
powerstrip turned on
push in straight cords
has --
google  -- drive, etc.  doc, email
can't save
can't download programs
or plugins
have speakers and a webcam
USB ports
headphone jacks

headphones, music

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Poems for The Outsiders

25 copies of “I’m Nobody!  Who Are You?” – Emily Dickinson
2 copies of “I am an Italian American” – Angelo Bianchi

2 copies of “My Wheelchair Had Wings” – Michele Sutphin

2 copies of “Alienation” – Ronald W. Hull   --Tacky

2 copies of “Sheep in Fog” – Sylvia Plath

2 copies of “Outsiders” – James Grengs

2 copies of “Please Hear What I’m Not Saying” – Charles C. Finn

2 copies of “Mending Wall” – Robert Frost

2 copies of “Psalm 55”

2 copies of the lyrics of “Heartbreak Hotel” – Elvis Presley

2 copies of the lyrics of “Lonely” – Akon

2 copies of the lyrics of “Fool on the Hill” – the Beatles

2 copies of the lyrics of “Iris” – the Goo Goo Dolls
  • I will read “I’m Nobody!  Who Are You?” aloud, and, on an overhead projector, model note taking on the poem.  (3 minutes) 
  • I will ask a student to read another poem aloud, and, as a class, the students will practice reflecting on the poem’s theme of alienation or individuality by taking notes.  A student will write the class’s notes on the board.  (3-4 minutes)
  • Copies of the poems/songs will be set on 12 desks around the room.  Students will circulate throughout the room, taking and reading as many poems as they reasonably and efficiently can, silently taking notes in their notebooks on the poems.  (25 minutes) 
  • The class will regroup and students will share some of the notes they took on some of the poems they read. (10 minutes)  To guide the discussion, I will ask the students questions such as:
“Briefly summarize the poem you read.”
 “How does this poem deal with being an outsider?”
“What was unique or different about the character/s in this poem?”
“Does this poem display being an outsider as a positive thing?”

from Maria Macioce

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Keys to Reading

"Frequent voluminous reading is the key to becoming a skilled reader."

Author Nancie Atwell discusses getting and keeping students in the 'reading zone' in this video:

  • Time to read 
  • Great selection of books
  • "Commercials"  = book talks  -- from students and teachers 
  • Students keep a someday list  (planning)