Friday, November 1, 2013

Kelly Gallagher
Building Deeper Readers in the Age of CCSS

Frugal and Gorbit –

start in the shallow end of the pool
Key Ideas and Details – what does it say
Word Summaries
Pick a number between 1 and 20   tell what you’ve read in ( ) words
Goofy headlines  --
Give them a chunk of newspaper have them produce the headline
Write a headline – fiction or nonfiction


Window Quotes – a big idea in it – select   (like last word)

Move them beyond the printed page.
    listen, watch, retell – TED Talks
  Jimmy Wales – Wikipedia – note taking – teach them how to take notes
Group summaries
10 minutes – all in one paragraph

Sir Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity?
Cornell notes
Taylor – stroke  
left side  what she said
right side  what was not said – inference
What she says  What she leaves out

Chevy truck – print ad Chevy trucks, the best headlights in its class

Craft and Structure
What does the text do
Read like a writer – noticing the moves, the techniques employed by the

All Quiet on the Western Front
The Yellow Birds – Kevin Powers – Afghanistan

entire passage one sentence

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
What does it mean?
Deeper readers recognize claims – not thesis statement – write a claim

Harper’s Index
one page collection of statistics

ex.  Percentage change since 1996 in the number of U.S. childen living in proverty: +12
Claims:  one sentence

The Week
Website  infographics

make a list of all the things you learn by reading that chart
what claims can be made?

Visual imagery  Dorthea Lange’s Migrant Mother
Why did she write it?  Who did she hope would read it?  What claim is she making?

100 photographs that changed the world

paintings – Gassed Mark Singer Sargeant
Dulce et Decorum Est
encyclopedia entry
average life expectancy of WWI pilot 12 days

We Real Cool
Butch Cassidy --

Joseph Griffith’s The Surrender
example in Write Like This

Anchor Reading Standards
What does the text say?
What does the text  do?
What does the text mean?

Three Big Problems with the Anchor Reading Standards
1. Readers should go beyond the “four corners of the text.”
 David Coleman
So what?
more than stories

Reading provides students with “imaginative rehearsals” for the real world.  – Kenneth Burke
interpretations – defend, connect
1984 – Orwell

Problem #2 : Scaffolding (pre-reading) is undervalued.
Walk them into the wrestling match.
You have to know stuff to “encounter texts on your own terms”
You have to know stuff to read stuff.

Problem #3: Where are the recreational reading standards?
“word poverty”

What effect does word poverty have on reading?
If “word poverty” is not addressed, it doesn’t matter whether the bar is raised. . . .

Article of the Week

Not just common core, but core values of reading and writing for kids.
Narrative writing undervalued

Tom Newkirk –
[We tell our stories to get people to connect

Gallagher – forms of discourse

Carol Jago

November 7  Cris Tovanni

Theme/Main Idea


Reading an Image:  Using Images for Rhetorical Analysis

Movies – cinematic elements
Sonja or Lyde – making a movie

conduct research, produce and consume media
old advertisements – text heavy
modern --  little text

Images for The Outsiders?  

brightest, lightest
suggestion of movement
What is NOT there?

Somebody sat in an office and had a bunch of money. What sort of image can we create that will sell the most cars? 
constructed – staged
Even photographs –
toppling of BinLaden  -- framing   small group, or looks like a lot – taken from how far away

Tuesday Weisner  to teach inference – students create the story

Painting:  “I am half-sick of shadows, said the  Lady of Shalott” by John William Waterhouse (1916)
image in the mirror heart-shaped
her posture suggests
her facial expression
colors – symbolism
couples outside the window
can’t look out the window – sees the world as a reflection?
with mirror cracked
in the boat

Loreena McKennit song

angels in black trench coats

Informational Text
Grammar of images
up, down, forward or back
framing  Citizen Kane – when lawyer comes to cottage he and mother are sitting at table, father standing   boy outside

Omayra Sanchez

“And of Clay We Are Created”  Allende


inundated with ads

What do we buy for which we use logos?  computers, medicines?
Daily Dose of Core Skills   -- Mike Handy
Strategies to teach an abundance of standards

Too many standards – 42

Rather than teach a standard, assess, mastery of that standard, reteach, remediate, differentiate. . . .

1.     Choose core skills most important
2.     design brief warm up activities
3.     evaluate the effectiveness of the activities and redesign as necessary
mightyprettydad on Twitter

longest 12 minutes  most 6 minutes
Vocab instruction
solving mini-mysteries
sentence combining
analyzing videos
analyzing editorial cartoons

3 for vocab instruction:
word-attack from parts

Fugacious from Holt lit book
Fugacious come from a similar root to the word fugitive.  Using what you know about fugieve as well as context form the story, write a definition fugacious
“fugacious as time itself “ O’Henry
fugue one running away, one chasing

context  Anna Quindlen 
“America is an improbable idea.  A mongrel nation build of everchanging ans disparate parts, , it is held toether by a notion, the notion that all men are created equal, thouh everyone knows that most men consider themselves better than someone. “

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